"The voice of life in me cannot reach the ears of life in you.
But let us talk that we may not feel lonely" -Khalil Gibran

Mar 4, 2018

Talking of many things...

Of flying ants--
"Give me wings, let me be the flying ants..if not the eagle
Let me fly high and soar the skies
Even if its for a single day"

Of colour--
"Sunflowers are yellow, so are mustard flowers
And you know..its not about the colour anymore"

Of wind-- 
"Do you ever think of the wild wind..
While you get lost in the magic tinkling of the windchimes"

Of windows--
"How beautiful is a view to the room through a window.
You can feel a piece of life from within..
And yet dream and wonder of the many more unseen lives beyond..."

Of sunrise-- 
"Will the darkness of the night be ever thanked
For the beauty it grants to the dawn"

Of winter--
"Oh the weeping willows of winter..
Do you see the sprouts of spring far ahead"

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